An Internet Forum or simply Forum is an Online Discussion site where Users can discuss or convey what they want about a particular topic or view. There are so many names for Forums. Some call them Bulletin Boards or Message Boards.
A Forum is simply a place where people can communicate with each other and reply to other's Threads. A Forum can be started by any user existing in that community and is visible to every member of that community. Once the users read the post or thread can reply using the reply button and every can raise or build a discussion even though everyone are not online at a point of time.

Basic Structure Of A Forum :
It consistes of Four components.
They are
- The Forum itself.
- Categories.
- Topics and
- Messages.
Each Forum can have one or more Categories and they can have several Sub-Categories.
The Forum is mainly run by
- The Forum Owner.
- Moderators.
- Users.
Benefits Of Forums :
- Enhance Traffic of Your Website.
- Building Our Community.
- Increasing Sales.
- Visitors Retention.
- Interacting as well as Building Relationship with the Customers, Visitors.
- References - Educational Information can be gathered.
- Attracting Search Engines (One of the Best SEO Technique).
- Sharing Ideas.
- Enrich Discussion & Acknowledge Thoughtful Ideas.
TechSoulz Forums :
Register and start discussion Here.